USATF Southwestern Association Cross Country

Carrolton, TX

Southwestern Association will conduct an all divisions Cross Country Meet Including Youth, Open Masters Male and Female. Youth Teams and Athletes registration information: ENTRY FEES & DEADLINES: On-Line Registration ( Must be completed by November 12, 2015. ONLY ONLINE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please visit ( to enter Individual Entries: $10.00 per athlete. Team Entries: No charge


Individuals: Current USATF membership is required to compete. Proof of Birth (copy of birth certificate, passport, certified baptismal record, driver’s license, or U.S. government identification) is required and must be submitted prior to registration and participation.

Teams: Only registered USATF member clubs may enter a team. All athletes representing the club must be affiliated with that club as part of their USATF membership. To enter a team, a club must complete the team entry/declaration process during online registrations. Only athletes listed on the team declaration roster will be eligible to represent the club at the Association, Regional or National championships. 

TEAM SCORING: 8 athletes on the team entry/declaration form may be declared as scoring athletes. The top 5 finishers among the declared runners will score. 

COMPETITION BIB NUMBERS: All competitors must wear their assigned bib numbers during competition, chest-high on the front of their jerseys. Bib numbers will be distributed to athletes on site. 

EVENT RESULTS: During competition, event results will be posted at on site at the facility. In addition, event results will be posted at

AWARDS: USATF Junior Olympic medals will be awarded to the top fifteen individuals in each age division. 

ADVANCEMENTS-From Association to Nationals: Top 15 individuals and top 2 teams in each age group will advance to the National Championships. The National Championships will be held on Saturday, December 12th in Albuquerque, NM. Information is available at:


On-Time Registration: Must be completed by November 10, 2015. 


Age Division Distance Time 

8 & Under (born 2007+) 2 km (1.24 miles) All -10:30 am

9 & 10 (born 2005-2006) 3 km (1.86 miles) All – 10:00 am

11 & 12 (born 2003-2004) 3 km (1.86 miles) All – 9:30 am

13 & 14 (born 2001 –2002) 4 km (2.48 miles) All – 9:00 am

15 & 16 (born 1999–2000) 5 km (3.1 miles) All – 8:30 am

17 & 18 (born 1997-1998) 5 km (3.1 miles) All – 8:00 am

When & Where

Nov 14, 2015


7:00 AM

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Carrolton, TX

Carrolton Christian Academy

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